lunedì 14 ottobre 2019

A Scholar and a Man of Culture: Is it possible to be both?



A Scholar and a Man of Culture: Is it possible to be both?
(Tudós és a kultúrember. Lehetünk-e egyszerre mindkettő?)

"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"  
- Thomas S. Eliot, "The Rock"
(„Hol a bölcsesség, amit elvesztettünk a tudásban; hol a tudás, amit elvesztettünk az információban?”
- T. S. Eliot: A szikla.)

Talk in English (előadás, angol nyelven): Federico Sollazzo 
Hungarian translation (tolmácsolás magyar nyelvre): Kovács Mária

It will be present the "Creativity Corner"
(Lesz a "Kreatív sarok" is)

Friday, October 18th, 6 p.m.
(A „Közéleti Kávéház” által támogatott programok –

Facebook event

Free admission
(A belépés ingyenes)

Creative Commons License

martedì 8 ottobre 2019

La nottola di minerva inizia il suo volo sul far del crepuscolo


Attention please
The present event runs in substitution of the previously scheduled event "The owl of Minerva" that, due to technical problems, has been postponed to Friday, 15th November, at 6 p.m., at Grand Café, Szeged.
Attenzione prego
Il presente evento sostituisce l'evento già annunciato "The owl of Minerva" che, a causa di problemi tecnici, è stato posticipato a venerdì 15 novembre, alle ore 18, presso il Grand Café di Seghedino. 

"La nottola di Minerva inizia il suo volo sul far del crepuscolo"

(„Minerva baglya csak a beálló alkonnyal kezdi meg röptét”)

Il pensiero è sempre "inattuale"
(A gondolat mindig „időszerűtlen”.)

Discorso: Federico Sollazzo 
Traduzione ungherese: Kovács Mária

Krinò, Kukorica u. 4., Szeged

Venerdì 11 Ottobre, ore 18
Ingresso libero

Creative Commons License

lunedì 7 ottobre 2019

The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk


Attention please
Due to technical problems, the present event has been postponed to Friday, 15th November, at 6 p.m., at Grand Café, Szeged.
In substitution of the present event, it will run the event 
La nottola di Minerva 

"The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk"

(„Minerva baglya csak a beálló alkonnyal kezdi meg röptét”)

Thinking is always "untimely”.
(A gondolkodás mindig „időszerűtlen”.)

Talk: Federico Sollazzo 
Hungarian translation: Kovács Mária

Grand Café, Deák Ferenc u. 18., Szeged

Friday, 11th October, 6 p.m.
Free admission

Creative Commons License