domenica 30 settembre 2018

Starting from the essay of Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our Educational Institutions", an inquiry on the current fate of today's (alleged) high culture


Starting from the essay of Nietzsche 
On the Future of Our Educational Institutions 
an inquiry on the current fate of today's (alleged) high culture

Do scientific productivity, impact factor, academic degrees and titles say anything about the fact that one is a man of culture?
Is still possible to host inside today’s academies also thinkers, artists or only scientists are admitted?
A, alleged, high culture based on a scientific meaning of research, is really culture or is it something else?
These are some of the questions that, passing through Nietzsche, Federico Sollazzo will wonder at this session of "Krinò" Workshop of Thinking
Fordítás magyar nyelvre (Kovács Mária)

Szeged, Grand Café, Deák Ferenc u. 18

Thursday, 4th October, 6 p.m.

domenica 23 settembre 2018

"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking. Le ragioni di un centro culturale indipendente


"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking
Le ragioni di un centro culturale indipendente

Federico Sollazzo, cofondatore con Mária Kovács,
illustra perché il centro culturale
"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking
debba necessariamente essere indipendente
Fordítás magyar nyelvre (Kovács Mária) 

Szeged, Kukorica utca 4. III. em. 12., "Krinò"

Giovedì, 27 settembre, ore 18

domenica 16 settembre 2018

Che cos'è "Krinò" Workshop of Thinking. Presentazione del progetto e del centro culturale indipendente


Che cos'è "Krinò" Workshop of Thinking
Presentazione del progetto e del centro culturale indipendente

Federico Sollazzo e Mária Kovács, fondatori,
presentano il centro culturale indipendente
"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking
Fordítás magyar nyelvre (Kovács Mária)

Szeged, Kukorica utca 4. III. em. 12., "Krinò"

Giovedì, 20 settembre, ore 18

domenica 9 settembre 2018

"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking inauguration/inaugurazione/nyitó előadása


"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking önálló kulturális központ 
nyitó előadása

Inauguration of the Independent Cultural Center 
"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking

Inaugurazione del centro culturale indipendente 
"Krinò" Workshop of Thinking

Sollazzo Federico és Kovács Mária 
Presentation by Federico Sollazzo and Mária Kovács 
Presentazione a cura di Federico Sollazzo e Mária Kovács

Szeged, Grand Café mozi és kávézóDeák Ferenc u. 18

Csütörtök/Thursday/Giovedì, Szept. 13 Sept./Sett., Time/Ore 18 Óra

Előadás magyar, angol és olasz nyelven
Presentation in English, Hungarian and Italian
Presentazione in italiano, inglese e ungherese